#3 Arxiv Weekly Insights

Welcome to the third edition of "Arxiv Weekly Insights," where we delve into the latest groundbreaking research and developments from the arXiv repository.

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Machine Learning
SAPG: Split and Aggregate Policy Gradients
Jayesh Singla, Ananye Agarwal, Deepak Pathak

Despite extreme sample inefficiency, on-policy reinforcement learning, aka policy gradients, has become a fundamental tool in decision-making problems. With the recent advances in GPU-driven simulation, the ability to collect large amounts of data for RL training has scaled exponentially. However, we show that current RL methods, e.g. PPO, fail to ingest the benefit of parallelized environments beyond a certain point and their performance saturates. To address this, we propose a new on-policy RL algorithm that can effectively leverage large-scale environments by splitting them into chunks and fusing them back together via importance sampling. Our algorithm, termed SAPG, shows significantly higher performance across a variety of challenging environments where vanilla PPO and other strong baselines fail to achieve high performance.

Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Improving 2D Feature Representations by 3D-Aware Fine-Tuning
Yuanwen Yue, Anurag Das, Francis Engelmann, Siyu Tang, Jan Eric Lenssen

Current visual foundation models are trained purely on unstructured 2D data, limiting their understanding of 3D structure of objects and scenes. In this work, we show that fine-tuning on 3D-aware data improves the quality of emerging semantic features. We design a method to lift semantic 2D features into an efficient 3D Gaussian representation, which allows us to re-render them for arbitrary views. Using the rendered 3D-aware features, we design a fine-tuning strategy to transfer such 3D awareness into a 2D foundation model. We demonstrate that models fine-tuned in that way produce features that readily improve downstream task performance in semantic segmentation and depth estimation through simple linear probing. Notably, though fined-tuned on a single indoor dataset, the improvement is transferable to a variety of indoor datasets and out-of-domain datasets. We hope our study encourages the community to consider injecting 3D awareness when training 2D foundation models.

Additive martingales of the branching Brownian motion
Louis Chataignier

In this thesis, we study asymptotic properties of the standard branching Brownian motion, with a specific emphasis on the additive martingale at high temperature. We start by presenting classic and fundamental tools for our investigation. Subsequently, we establish various convergence results that enhance our understanding of the model. In particular, these results include the determination of particles contributing to the additive martingales, the description of the fluctuations of these martingales around their limits, and an approximation of the so-called overlap distribution. Regarding the latter, we believe this is the first time that such an approximation is given. Remarkably, we identify a specific regime in which stable distributions emerge.

Registering Neural 4D Gaussians for Endoscopic Surgery
Yiming Huang, Beilei Cui, Ikemura Kei, Jiekai Zhang, Long Bai, Hongliang Ren

The recent advance in neural rendering has enabled the ability to reconstruct high-quality 4D scenes using neural networks. Although 4D neural reconstruction is popular, registration for such representations remains a challenging task, especially for dynamic scene registration in surgical planning and simulation. In this paper, we propose a novel strategy for dynamic surgical neural scene registration. We first utilize 4D Gaussian Splatting to represent the surgical scene and capture both static and dynamic scenes effectively. Then, a spatial aware feature aggregation method, Spatially Weight Cluttering (SWC) is proposed to accurately align the feature between surgical scenes, enabling precise and realistic surgical simulations. Lastly, we present a novel strategy of deformable scene registration to register two dynamic scenes. By incorporating both spatial and temporal information for correspondence matching, our approach achieves superior performance compared to existing registration methods for implicit neural representation. The proposed method has the potential to improve surgical planning and training, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes.

Machine Learning
Characterizing Dynamical Stability of Stochastic Gradient Descent in Overparameterized Learning
Junchao Chen, Alberto Sonnino, Lefteris Kokoris-Kogias, Mohammad Sadoghi

Thunderbolt: Causal Concurrent Consensus and Execution introduces Thunderbolt, a novel architecture based on DAG-based protocols, that aims to furnish a scalable and concurrent execution for smart contract transactions. Inspired by Hyperledger, Thunderbolt also expands Execute-Order-Validate architecture in which transactions are distributed into distinct replicas, with execution outcomes determined prior to ordering through the DAG-based protocol. Existing protocols adopt serial executions after the ordering to avoid non-determinism. However, Thunderbolt provides parallel pre-execution before the ordering as well as parallel verifications once any source of non-determinism is removed.

Artificial Intelligence
Supertrust: Evolution-based superalignment strategy for safe coexistence
James M. Mazzu

It's widely expected that humanity will someday create AI systems vastly more intelligent than we are, leading to the unsolved alignment problem of 'how to control superintelligence.' However, this definition is not only self-contradictory but likely unsolvable. Nevertheless, the default strategy for solving it involves nurturing (post-training) constraints and moral values, while unfortunately building foundational nature (pre-training) on documented intentions of permanent control. In this paper, the default approach is reasoned to predictably embed natural distrust and test results are presented that show unmistakable evidence of this dangerous misalignment. If superintelligence can't instinctively trust humanity, then we can't fully trust it to reliably follow safety controls it can likely bypass. Therefore, a ten-point rationale is presented that redefines the alignment problem as 'how to establish protective mutual trust between superintelligence and humanity' and then outlines a new strategy to solve it by aligning through instinctive nature rather than nurture. The resulting strategic requirements are identified as building foundational nature by exemplifying familial parent-child trust, human intelligence as the evolutionary mother of superintelligence, moral judgment abilities, and temporary safety constraints. Adopting and implementing this proposed Supertrust alignment strategy will lead to protective coexistence and ensure the safest future for humanity.

Thank you for joining us this week. Stay tuned for more insights in our next edition. Until then, happy researching! See you next week!